Event AmbonColorFunRun' Website
An event from Representative of Bank Indonesia in Moluccas as part of Pre-Event FEKDI (Festival Ekonomi Keuangan Digital Indonesia) and part of 15 Juta Pengguna baru QRIS.
March 2025 - Idle
Editing a11ylinks.js
Workspace: emptywork-javascript
or any movement to make website and tech more accessible for everyone in general
Powered by BetaQRIS
Simple registration system with QRCode Generator that will handle what happened with that QrCode based on the time and period of the event.
Laravel PHP Javascript HTML CSS
An event from Representative of Bank Indonesia in Moluccas as part of Pre-Event FEKDI (Festival Ekonomi Keuangan Digital Indonesia) and part of 15 Juta Pengguna baru QRIS.
An event from Representative of Bank Indonesia in Moluccas as part of Pre-Event FEKDI (Festival Ekonomi Keuangan Digital Indonesia) and part of 15 Juta Pengguna baru QRIS.
An website that aim to help Ambonese looking for their new opportunties
GenBI merupakan komunitas yang terdiri dari mahasiswa/i penerima beasiswa Bank Indonesia yang berada di bawah naungan Bank Indonesia.
Division Secretary Member
7Mu aims on developing an easier and comperhensive CMS for School Management System.
UI/UX Developer Maintainer
SCC committed to assisting the development and helping to introduce the #A11y movement to a wider audience in Moluccas.
Leader Lead of Web Dev. Team
Contoh implementasi dari CodeIgniter, adapun prototype ini merupakan latihan yang dilakukan pada saat mengikuti kelas PBP. [id]
Preview dari implementasi routes pada CodeIgniter3, selain itu juga merupakan contoh website yang dibuat untuk Tugas pertama pada perkuliahan PBP. [id]
Collection of JavaScript native based application, way to approach the problem with ES6 and It's Implementation. [en]